The Internet often seems to be a limitless source of information, a place for communication, human development. But not everything on the Internet is positive, some places can take the child both to fabulous and unexplored places and to places full of dangers. Adult information, prohibited information, fraud, online harassment, and blackmail especially affect children aged 8 to 14 years. So, what to do?
A Smartphone for A Child
A smartphone for a child is an assistant in learning, communication, and games. But not only: it is also a source of danger. For more than a generation, it’s only natural to get your own smartphone before learning to read and write. Children have enough pictures, music, and, most importantly, toys. But adults are obliged to understand that a modern gadget carries a lot of dangers.
How Does Parental Control Work, And What Is It For?
- Today, the situation has become much more complicated, the capabilities of smartphones surpass any technical means of those years, and the Internet has made children practically uncontrollable. But not quite, there is a so-called “parental control”, which at least partially returns to adults the knowledge of what their child is watching and listening to. And where exactly is it located?
- Many of the listed functions are pre-installed in the iOS and Android operating systems, and the missing ones are implemented in fairly powerful applications. Their work is based on databases of cybercriminals and sites that distribute inappropriate content.
- The Internet and mobile communications are completely new civilizational challenges previously unknown to mankind. Never before have such threats been created to the physical and psychological safety of children and adolescents.
Dangerous and Illegal Content
Internet users under the age of 18 are at risk. Their unformed and unprotected children’s psyche can be irreparably crippled by information on pornographic and destructive sites calling for violence and extremism. A new phenomenon is cyberbullying, collective bullying in social networks, capable of two hundred young people to suicide. After all, virtual reality acquires special significance for them. Children are lured into risky stunts, selfies in dangerous places and situations.
Unwanted Contacts
Most children trust people and communicate easily. But among the interlocutors, there may be a pedophile looking for a new victim. Or sectarians who introduce antisocial behavior and vicious moral values. And, finally, criminals trick children into information about their parents’ work, family income, security alarm codes, and access to the Internet.
Inefficient Waste of Time
Children will always be more interested in playing than learning. But thoughtless spending time in front of the screen also harms the nervous system and psyche.
The Impact of The Smartphone on The Health of The Child
Not surprisingly, Internet addiction has become a universal scourge and entered the list of medical diagnoses. The stories of game manufacturers and social network owners about the benefits of their products for the younger generation are nothing more than marketing ploys to increase sales. Excessive interest in the Internet can lead to scoliosis from constant sitting in the wrong position, obesity from lack of physical activity, visual impairment, and nervous diseases.
How to Install and Set Up Parental Controls on Your Phone
The iOS system running on the iPhone and iPad protects against outside interference, but inside the gadget, it is possible to limit the installation of certain programs and the viewing of age-inappropriate content. And also limit screen time, music volume, prohibit purchases in the AppStore and online stores. Parents receive a message asking them to remove the block. In the latest versions, GPS tracking and battery level control are available through the pre-installed Locator application.
Android gives you a lot more external control. Like competitors, it is possible to restrict downloading and installing programs from the Play Market, as well as setting content filters according to age. A definite plus for parents is the built-in tracking of the geolocation of the smartphone. Moreover, you can create a Google account yourself only if the user is over 13 years old. Otherwise, when creating an account, you must specify the mail and phone number of one of the parents. And confirm your actions by responding positively to the incoming message. Now all actions in the child account are reported to the parent.

If parents allow the child to spend time on social networks, then it is necessary to warn the child about the correct communication with other people. It happens that children and adolescents do not know how to manage their anger, their grievances, express their feelings in comments and discussions, set the interlocutors against each other, and create a generally negative atmosphere. Parents need to talk with the child about the fact that he should not make dubious acquaintances on the network because a dangerous and unfriendly person can be hiding behind a cute and attractive avatar.
Some Tips
- Parents should agree with the child that without the permission of adults, he will never respond to messages from strangers, publish or communicate in correspondence such important information as phone numbers, home address, parents’ passport data, bank card data.

- Parents will not be able to control the child all the time and constantly be near him. But you can always set rules that will satisfy both you and the child:
- Admission to the network is possible if it does not interfere with studies and is subject to the observance of the daily routine and the fulfillment of family responsibilities.
- Set up a schedule for using the Internet. For example, after school, the child should eat, do homework, take a walk with friends, and only then use the phone.
- Limit the time: for younger students – no more than one hour of the Internet per day, for middle school students – no more than two hours per day.
- Parents should keep up with life, and not only navigate social networks, but also know what sites and how their children spend time, and in addition, raise their own level of awareness.
Bottom Line
The Internet is constantly evolving, new social networks, new games, new communication options appear. Be prepared to learn too, because you probably won’t know much of what your child will learn and quickly learn online. Only the right schedule for a child visiting the Internet, his readiness, as well as the constant participation and control of parents can protect children from the negative influence of information and intruders.